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" NAME 3D-gadgets
AUTHOR pieter@prls.uucp
FUNCTION Assorted 3d-style user interface gadgets
DATE 8 Dec 89
SUMMARY Changes system classes to have 3-D effects including:
- Switches in 3D (similar to switch3d)
- Titles in 3D
- Scrollbars in 3D
- View borders in 3D (if border is thick enough)
From: pieter@prls.UUCP (Pieter van der Meulen)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.smalltalk
Subject: Smalltalk 3D interface
Message-ID: <29033@prls.UUCP>
Date: 8 Dec 89 23:28:15 GMT
Organization: Philips Res. Labs, Sunnyvale, CA
Several times it has been noted that there are too litle postings with
sources in this newsgroup, but it is changing for the better:
I have had several positive responses from people about the 3D switches,
but (unfortunately) it did not spawn new postings on other 3D enhancements.
So, I decided to create a more complete set of 3D changes and they are
listed below, Pieter.
Yes, these are SYSTEM CHANGES, no scruples this time. If you do
not like to change system classes (understandable), do NOT file this in.
If you did file this in, open a LARGE new Browser to get a good impression.
The changes include:
- Switches in 3D (similar to the previous posting)
- Titles in 3D
- Scrollbars in 3D
- View borders in 3D (if border is thick enough)
- (sub-)view borders will not display in 3D unless they are thick enough (>5).
Only a few system windows will have 3D borders (see first method below).
If you want other system windows to have 3D borders, you have to search
for the senders of <borderWidth:>, and YOU may make the changes.
- try thick sub-view borders for the Browser:
modify all methods in the protocol <BrowserView|subview creation>
so that <borderWidth: 1> will be <borderWidth: 6>.
- you do not need to give SwitchViews thick borders, because the <clearInside>
already takes care of that.
- you could also modify PopUpMenus (use Quadrangle3D instead of Quadrangle),
but that would be (too) much system hacking, so YOU may try that yourself.
- the 3D effects would be a lot nicer if we had true gray-scales....
- see the <Quadrangle3D|display3Drect:on:clipRect:> method-comments if your
display is in inverse video.
- your <old> windows may look a little funny, because they were
created with plain Quadrangles.
- the changes are for Smalltalk-80 V2.3, but it will probably also work for
other versions.
I do not claim this is the most elegant solution, and any improvements are
welcome. Have fun,
Pieter S. van der Meulen.
I take no responsibility whatsoever for the condition of this software.
Unrestricted use is hereby granted as long as this header remains intact.
P.S. van der Meulen, MS 02 prls!!pieter
PRLS, Signetics div. of NAPC -----------
811 E.Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3409
!StandardSystemView class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
model: aModel label: labelText minimumSize: minimumSize
"Create windows with a thick border for 3D effects.
This one will only take care of 3D for some system windows"
| view |
view _ self new.
view model: aModel.
view label: labelText.
view minimumSize: minimumSize.
view borderWidth: 6.
^view! !
!SwitchView methodsFor: 'displaying'!
"Create a view with depth effects.
Written by Pieter S. van der Meulen."
| aRect aBitBlt |
aRect _ self insetDisplayBox copy.
aBitBlt _ BitBlt
destForm: Display
sourceForm: nil
halftoneForm: nil
combinationRule: Form over
destOrigin: aRect origin
sourceOrigin: Display boundingBox origin
extent: aRect extent
clipRect: Display boundingBox.
(label isNil
ifTrue: [6]
ifFalse: [((aRect height - label height min:
(aRect width - label width)) // 2 - 1) min: 10])
[aBitBlt destRect: aRect; mask: Form darkGray; copyBits.
aRect corner: aRect corner - (1@1).
aBitBlt destRect: aRect; mask: Form lightGray; copyBits.
aRect origin: aRect origin + (1@1)].
aBitBlt destRect: aRect; mask: self insideColor; copyBits!
"Cause the inset display box (the display box excluding the border,
see View|insetDisplayBox) of the receiver to complement."
highlightForm == nil ifFalse: [^highlightForm
displayOn: Display
at: self displayBox topLeft
clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox
rule: Form reverse
mask: nil].
ifTrue: [Display reverse: (self insetDisplayBox insetBy: 1)]
["Display reverse: (self insetDisplayBox insetBy: 1)."
Display reverse: (self insetDisplayBox insetBy: 2)]! !
!View methodsFor: 'displaying'!
"Display the receiver's border (using the receiver's borderColor)."
self borderWidth = 0
[self insideColor == nil
[Display fill: self displayBox mask: self insideColor]]
[self borderWidth corner x > 5
ifTrue: [self display3DBorder]
[superView isNil
border: self displayBox
widthRectangle: self borderWidth
mask: borderColor]
border: self displayBox
widthRectangle: self borderWidth
mask: borderColor
clippingBox: superView insetDisplayBox]].
self insideColor == nil
ifFalse: [Display fill: self insetDisplayBox mask: self insideColor]]!
"Display the receiver's border in 3D.
Assume the border is thick enough (> 6)."
| aQ3D |
aQ3D _ Quadrangle3D new.
region: self displayBox;
borderWidth: self borderWidth.
superView isNil
ifTrue: [aQ3D displayOn: Display]
ifFalse: [aQ3D displayOn: Display clipRect: superView insetDisplayBox]! !
!StandardSystemView methodsFor: 'displaying'!
display3Drect: aRect on: aForm clipRect: clipRect
"Display a Label (Rectangle) on aForm with depth effects.
Since labels are small, this method is quicker then the similar
Quadrangle3D method. Flashing effects are hardly noticable.
Written by Pieter S. van der Meulen."
| aBitBlt shrinkRect |
(aBitBlt _ BitBlt
destForm: aForm
sourceForm: nil
halftoneForm: Form black
combinationRule: Form over
destOrigin: aRect origin
sourceOrigin: aForm boundingBox origin
extent: aRect extent
clipRect: clipRect) copyBits.
shrinkRect _ aRect insetBy: 1@1.
(labelText isNil
ifTrue: [6]
[((shrinkRect height - labelText height min:
(shrinkRect width - labelText width)) // 2 - 1) min: 10])
[aBitBlt destRect: shrinkRect; mask: Form darkGray; copyBits.
shrinkRect corner: shrinkRect corner - (1@1).
aBitBlt destRect: shrinkRect; mask: Form lightGray; copyBits.
shrinkRect origin: shrinkRect origin + (1@1)].
aBitBlt destRect: shrinkRect; mask: Form white; copyBits.
"Clear the label and add depth effects.
Written by Pieter S. van der Meulen."
display3Drect: self labelDisplayBox
on: Display
clipRect: self clippingBox! !
!StandardSystemView methodsFor: 'label access'!
"Answer with a form that contains the label text."
| form formBox |
form _ Form extent: labelFrame extent.
self display3Drect: labelFrame
on: form
clipRect: labelFrame.
labelText isNil
[formBox _ form boundingBox.
displayOn: form
at: (formBox center -
(labelText boundingBox center -
labelText boundingBox topLeft))
clippingBox: formBox].
^form! !
!StandardSystemView methodsFor: 'icon access'!
"Return an icon that looks like my title tab"
| iconForm box |
iconForm _ Form extent: labelFrame corner + (0 @ 2).
box _ iconForm computeBoundingBox.
self display3Drect: box on: iconForm clipRect: box.
labelText asParagraph
displayOn: iconForm
at: (box extent - labelText boundingBox extent) // 2
clippingBox: box.
^Icon new form: iconForm textRect: nil! !
!StandardSystemView methodsFor: 'displaying'!
self isCollapsed ifTrue: [^self].
self clear3dLabel.
labelText isNil
[isLabelComplemented _ false.
displayOn: Display
at: (self labelDisplayBox center -
(labelText boundingBox center -
labelText boundingBox topLeft))
clippingBox: self clippingBox]!
self isCollapsed ifTrue: [^self].
self clear3dLabel.
labelText isNil
[isLabelComplemented _ false.
displayOn: Display
at: (self labelDisplayBox center -
(labelText boundingBox center -
labelText boundingBox topLeft))
clippingBox: self clippingBox]! !
!StandardSystemView methodsFor: 'label access'!
label: aString emphasis: anInteger
"Set aString to be the receiver's label."
aString == nil
[labelText _ nil.
labelFrame region: (0 @ 0 extent: 0 @ 0)]
[labelText _ (Text string: aString emphasis: anInteger) asParagraph.
labelFrame region:
(0 @ 0 extent: labelText boundingBox extent + (20 @ 16))].
iconText isNil & iconView notNil
[iconView text: self label asText].!
label: aString
"Set aString to be the receiver's label."
self label: aString emphasis: 2! !
Quadrangle subclass: #Quadrangle3D
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Graphics-Primitives'!
Quadrangle3D comment:
'I am used by scrollbars to create 3D effects.
Written by Pieter S. van der Meulen.'!
!Quadrangle3D methodsFor: 'displaying'!
display3Drect: aRect on: aForm clipRect: clipRect
"Change the value of the forward parameter if you want scrollbars
to go the other way (inward or outward). May be usefull if you
work in inverse video, and want it to stll come outward.
Written by Pieter S. van der Meulen."
^self display3Drect: aRect on: aForm clipRect: clipRect forward: true!
display3Drect: aRect on: aForm clipRect: clipRect forward: aBoolean
"Display a Rectangle on aForm with depth effects.
If aBoolean is true, let the quadrangle come outward.
Written by Pieter S. van der Meulen."
| aBitBlt m1 m2 sox soy scx scy |
sox _ aRect origin x. soy _ aRect origin y.
scx _ aRect corner x. scy _ aRect corner y.
(aBitBlt _ BitBlt
destForm: aForm
sourceForm: nil
halftoneForm: Form black
combinationRule: Form over
destOrigin: sox@(scy -1)
sourceOrigin: aForm boundingBox origin
extent: (scx - sox) @ 1
clipRect: clipRect) copyBits.
aBitBlt destRect: ((scx - 1)@soy corner: scx@scy); copyBits.
scx _ scx -1. scy _ scy -1.
aBitBlt destRect: (sox@soy corner: scx @ (soy + 1)); copyBits.
aBitBlt destRect: (sox@soy corner: (sox + 1) @ scy); copyBits.
sox _ sox +1. soy _ soy +1.
ifTrue: [m1 _ Form darkGray. m2 _ Form lightGray]
ifFalse: [m2 _ Form darkGray. m1 _ Form lightGray].
(borderWidth isNil
ifTrue: [(aRect width min: aRect height) // 2 - 2]
ifFalse: [borderWidth isInteger
ifTrue: [borderWidth]
ifFalse: [borderWidth corner x max: borderWidth corner y]])
[aBitBlt destRect: (sox@(scy -1) corner: scx@scy); mask: m1; copyBits.
aBitBlt destRect: ((scx - 1)@soy corner: scx@scy); copyBits.
scx _ scx -1. scy _ scy -1.
aBitBlt destRect: (sox@soy corner: scx @ (soy + 1)); mask: m2; copyBits.
aBitBlt destRect: (sox@soy corner: (sox + 1) @ scy); copyBits.
sox _ sox +1. soy _ soy +1].
destRect: (sox@soy corner: scx@scy);
mask: (aBoolean ifTrue: [Form white] ifFalse: [Form black]);
displayOn: aDisplayMedium
"Display the border and insideRegion of the receiver."
display3Drect: self region
on: aDisplayMedium
clipRect: aDisplayMedium boundingBox!
displayOn: aDisplayMedium clipRect: clipRect
"Display the border and insideRegion of the receiver."
self display3Drect: self region on: aDisplayMedium clipRect: clipRect!
displayOn: aDisplayMedium transformation: aWindowingTransformation clippingBox: aRectangle
"Display the border and region of the reciever so that it is scaled and translated
with respect to aWindowingTransformation. The displayed information should
be clipped so that only information with the area determined by aRectangle
is displayed."
display3Drect: self region
on: aDisplayMedium
clipRect: ((aWindowingTransformation applyTo: self)
intersect: aRectangle)! !
!TextEditor methodsFor: 'marker adjustment'!
"Answer the rectangular area in which the gray area of the scroll bar
should be displayed."
paragraph textSize = 0
[^0@0 extent: 16 @ scrollBar inside height]
[^0@0 extent: 16 @
((((paragraph nextChar - (paragraph lines at: 1)) asFloat
/ (paragraph textSize max: 1) asFloat
* scrollBar inside height asFloat) rounded
min: scrollBar inside height) max: 10)]! !
!ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'marker adjustment'!
paragraph compositionRectangle height = 0
ifTrue: [^0@0 extent: 16 @ scrollBar inside height]
ifFalse: [^0@0 extent:
16 @ ((paragraph clippingRectangle height asFloat /
self scrollRectangleHeight * scrollBar inside height) rounded
min: scrollBar inside height)]! !
!ListController methodsFor: 'marker adjustment'!
| viewList |
viewList _ view list.
^ 0@0 extent: 16@
((viewList clippingRectangle height asFloat /
viewList compositionRectangle height *
scrollBar inside height)
rounded min: scrollBar inside height)! !
!ScrollController methodsFor: 'marker adjustment'!
"Answer the rectangular area in which the gray area of the scroll bar
should be displayed."
^0@0 extent: 16 @
((view window height asFloat /
view boundingBox height *
scrollBar inside height)
rounded min: scrollBar inside height)! !
!ScrollController methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!
super initialize.
scrollBar _ Quadrangle new.
scrollBar insideColor: Form veryLightGray.
scrollBar borderWidthLeft: 2 right: 0 top: 2 bottom: 2.
marker _ Quadrangle3D new.
marker borderWidth: nil
"marker insideColor: Form gray"! !